Indigofera australe (Duwabili (D'harawal) or Native Indigo) Australian Native Plant Profile


Indigofera australe (Native Indigo) is a small to medium shrub in the Fabaceae family usually growing to around 1.5m it can get as large as 2.5m. These tough plants can be planted across a variety of soils and differing light situations. In late winter and early spring they put on spikes of pink flowers creating a burst of colour and a good source of food for native wildlife.

Growing Conditions

In the wild they are found in woodlands and eucalypt forests. They are widespread, occurring throughout NSW and across many areas of QLD, VIC, SA and TAS. Indigofera australe can handle many soil types but does best with free draining soil in full sun to or dappled light. They are drought tolerant handling periods of low rainfall but look their best with adequate water.

Habitat Value

In good conditions they form a fairly dense shrub that makes great habitat for smaller birds and other animals. A prolific flowering plant they produce great seasonal food for pollinators, especially as they flower towards the end of the cooler period of the year in a shoulder season when many other natives have just finished flowering or just starting to flower.


Environmentally Indigofera australe is very commonly used in revegetation projects in woodland areas as it is fast to establish and produces lots of seed which can help establish a healthy population. They also work well for revegetation projects close to pathways and in urban environments as they are a soft bush and quite pretty.

In the garden they make a wonderful pot plant as well as a good filler plant in dense gardens for their pleasant foliage and pop of colour in late winter/early spring time. They are also great to have nearby the veggie patch as they attract a lot of beneficial insects and provide habitat for insectivorous small birds.


Propagation is easily done through seed. They produce lots of seed and germinate readily in a moist free draining medium. Boiling water treatment can be used to increase germination rates.

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Pelargonium australe (Native Storksbill/Wild Geranium)

Further Reading

Jeff Harbrow

Jeff Harbrow is a qualified Bush Regenerator and owner of Whipbird Environmental. He is passionate about protecting our natural areas, rewilding, regenerative ways to grow food and education.


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