Plectranthus graveolens (Bush Basil) Australian Native Plant Profile
Plectranthus graveolens in flower in a Cordeaux Heights garden.
Bush Basil is an aromatic herbaceous plant with pale green leaves and reddish brown stems. Plectranthus graveolens is a hardy shrub that can grow 1m although it is more typically around 50cm high with a spreading habit. Plectranthus graveolens has spikes of tiny bluish purple flowers which provide a great food source to many insects.
Growing Conditions
Plectranthus graveolens is a hardy plant that is often found growing in shallow soils and crevices in rocky terrain. It can grow in full sun or heavily shaded areas and can take prolonged dry periods.
Habitat Value
Plectranthus graveolens has great habitat value. Its dense growth habit and spreading nature creates good cover for small reptiles and mammals. It also has a long flowering period in which it is a fantastic supply of nectar for insects such as blue banded and teddy bear bees.
Although not commonly seen in environmental plantings it has great potential for use in revegetation areas with shallow soils where ground layer species are trying to be established. It is a prolific seeder and rapidly colonises areas where many other plants struggle. It is often seen growing with Plectranthus parviflorus, Microlaena stipoides, Indigofera australis and Xerochrysum bracteatum around the Illawarra and is a staple ground layer species in the critically endangered ecological community Melalueca armillaris Tall Shrubland.
It makes an excellent species in the garden being very low maintenance once established and great at filling awkward gaps. Its attractive foliage is complemented by its spikes of little blue flowers throughout the year. An especially useful species if you have shallow rocky soils or are trying to establish a wildlife garden.
Plectranthus graveolens germinate readily from seed and have a good strike rate from cuttings. Growing from cuttings should only be used in a garden setting. For environmental plantings plants should be raised from seed.
Further Reading